Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Passport India


Applying for the first time

Application form which can be obtained from the Passport Office (free of cost) or the Head Post office (Rs.3) or down load the Passport application form from our site . Application can be submitted to the Passport Office concerned (where you are resident when applying) either in person or through a representative or by registered post.Click here to see the list of passport offices in the country). Proof of residence has to be given i.e., a self-attested photo copy of the ration card or voters' identity card or water tax bill or telephone bill or electricity bill or running bank account or income tax assessment order of last three years or appointment letter of reputed companies on letterhead (any one of them will do), certificate from Tehsildar or Gram Panchayat/ Sarpanch as proof of residence in a village. Give proof of date of birth and educational qualifications i.e., a self-attested photo copy of birth certificate or school certificate or in case of illiterate/ semi-literate persons a sworn (affidavit) to be attested by a magistrate, Tehsildar or Sarpanch as per specimen given on our site.. 6 Black & White or coloured photographs to be put on the form. 4 photographs to be pasted on the form and signed across partly on the photo and partly on the form. 2 photographs unsigned and name written on the back to be put in an envelope and stapled to the form. Attach NOC in original if you are in the service of Central/State Government, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Bodies and the like. Affidavit format can be downloaded from our site itself by.

Online Application

In a step towards simplification of passport application procedure, it has been decided to introduce online registration of passport application at RPO, Delhi under the new system, a passport applicant with access to internet facility can go to the website https://passport.gov.in , select ONLINE REGISTRATION and fill in the form. Adult as well as minor applicant can register online for fresh passport, reissue cases (where the validity of the passports held is expired or is about to expire) and new passport booklets in lieu of lost of damaged passport. The application form is very simple, applicant friendly and easy to fill in. When in doubt, the applicant can refer to the revised and updated instructions given on the website of Delhi Passport Office. Applicants are advised to go through instruction for filling up the form before applying online.

On completing of registration, the applicant gets a printout of the registered application for submitting along with the requisite documents and submit at designated counter.

Minor Applicant

If the applicant is minor "It is compulsory to have a separate passport for a minor. A number of foreign Diplomatic Missions are refusing to grant visas if minor's name is included in the parents' passport. Apply as for fresh passport with the following additional documents: Attested photocopies of parents' passports. If neither of the parents has passport, then an (affidavit) from both parents (specimen at Annexure 'D' of the passport form) In case either of the parents holds a passport, copy of the same, alongwith an (affidavit) from the other parent (specimen at Annexure 'D' of the passport form Column 19 of the application form to be signed by both the parents/ legal guardian and at column 22, affix the minor's signature or thumb impression. In case one parent is abroad an (affidavit) giving No Objection to the issue of passport to the minor should be counter- assigned by Indian Mission/ Consulate abroad."


The following all inclusive fees to be paid alongwith application form either by Bank draft in favour of Passport Officer, or in Cash

Fresh passport (36 pages) of 10 years validity Rs. 1000/-
Fresh passport (60 pages) of 10 years validity Rs. 1500/-
Fresh passport for minor (below 15 years) of 5 years validity Rs. 600/-
Passport against Lost/ damaged passport (36 pages) Rs.2500/-
Passport against Lost/ damaged passport (60 pages) Rs.3000/-
India-Bangladesh or India-Srilanka passport (validity 10 years) Rs.500/-

Miscellaneous Services

Additional Booklet (36 pages) Rs. 500/-
Additional Booklet (60 pages) Rs. 700/-
Changes of address/ Police clearance certificate/ Deletion of particular of childern/ ECNR/ Additional endorsements Rs. 300/-
Miscellaneous service on an India-Bangladesh or India-Srilanka passport Rs. 100

Urgent Reqirement

Then you require a Verification certificate (as per affidavit) from any officer of the rank of Deputy Secretary and above in the Central Government or equivalent in the State Government, Colonel and above or its equivalent in Air Force and Navy, General Manager of a Public Sector Undertaking, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, SSP of district or one of those listed in Annexure 'G' (page 16 of the application form). An out of turn passport is issued only in cases of specified emergencies, on production of documentary evidence. The certificate should be on official stationary with one photo pasted on the certificate and attested with signature partly on the certificate and partly on photograph.

ECNR Stamp

Following persons are entitled to get the ECNR stamp on their passports:

Gazetted Government Servants; Income-tax payees
Persons holding professional degrees
Persons staying abroad for more than 3 years
Spouses of the above mentioned categories
Persons holding graduation or higher degrees
Seamen in possession of Continuous Discharge Certificate and Sea Cadets and Deck Cadets
(i) who have passed final examination of three year B.Sc. Nautical Sciences Courses at T.S. Chanakya, Mumbai, or
(ii) who have undergone three months Pre-Sea training at any of the Government approved TrainingInstitutes after production of Identity Cards issued by the Shipping Master, Mumbai/ Calcutta/ Chennai
Persons holding permanent Immigration Visas, or any country e.g. Green Card in USA
Persons holding diplomas from recognised institutions like Polytechnics or certificates of vocational training from Government/recognised institutions. The Diploma/ Certificate should be for a minimum duration of two year course.
Nurses possessing qualifications recognised under the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 Dependent children of parents eligible for ECNR, as above (upto 24 years of age)
All persons above the age of 60 years
All visitors to Pakistan and Bangladesh
All visitors going to any country in Europe (except the Commonwealth of Independent States) or North America.

Emigration Clearlance Rules

Even if you do not have the ECNR stamp, you can visit Bangladesh, Pakistan and all countries in Europe (except the Commonwealth of Independent States) and North America without emigration clearance. In any case, Protectorate of Emigrants can grant emigration clearance to certain categories of skilled/semi-skilled workers for a period of six months if application is made through authorised recruiting agent and there is a valid employment visa. In case, the person concerned is leaving the country for non-employment purposes, he can obtain suspension from emigration clearance for the specified country and for the specified period from Protector of Emigrants.

Time Frame for Issue of Passport

If all your documents are in order, you should get your fresh passport in 5 weeks.
If you already hold a passport then your next passport should be re-issued in two weeks provided holding passport is of same jurisdiction.
In case of damaged/ lost passports (except in case of habitual losers), provided you apply to the same office which issued your original passport, you should get passport inabout 5 weeks.
If you have applied for a duplicate passport to an office other than the one which issue the passport you have lost or damaged, you should get your passport in 6 weeks.
If you have applied for an additional booklet for a passport issued by the same passport office then you should get your passport within two weeks.
For issue of passports to minors (less than 15 years) passport would be issued in twoweeks. However, in case of emergency, your Passport Officer can expedite the issue of passport.

Delivery of Passport

Passports are normally delivered only to the applicant or despatched by registered post to the applicant's present address as given in the application form; In case a passport has already been granted, in the normal course, the applicant may approach the Passport Office for counter delivery.Such passports can then be delivered at the counter.

Loss of Passport

If you lose your passport, then Please inform the nearest police station and obtain a copy of the FIR.
Also kindly inform the Passport Office or Indian Mission which issued that passport. Passport is a valuable document and in case it gets misused, you can be held responsible, if you have not informed the office.

Apply for a duplicate passport with:

application for lost passport
copy of the FIR
copy of lost passport, if available
Fee for lost passport is Rs 2500.

Replacement of Damaged Passport

If your passport gets damaged, you are entitled to get it replaced.
Apply for a duplicate passport with the following documents:

application for a damaged passport damaged passport
Fee Rs. 2500/-

Reissue of Expired Passport

If you are a holder of a passport, then you are entitled to an automatic re-issue of a passport,without prior police verification. You can apply one year before the passport expires or within2 years after it expires to obtain this expeditious service.

You are required to submit only:

Fresh application form;
Previous passport;
Proof of residence only if the present address is different from that given in the previous passport. (Verification Certificate or any other document - not required).

Validity & Size of Booklet

You can either apply for a 36-paged normal passport booklet (Fees: Rs. 300/- for 10 year; Rs. 600/- for 20 year validity) or a 60-paged jumbo passport booklet (Fees: Rs. 500/- for 10 year; Rs. 800/- for 20 year validity).

Change of Address

In case of change of address "For change of address the following circumsfances may arises.

If you already have a passports and want to change the address recorded in it, approch your nearest passport office and apply for the same on Miscellancous Services application from with a fee of Rs 100 and proof of new address.
If you have applied for a passport but before the same is issued, you have shifted your residance their, you should inform in writting to the Passport Office within whose jurisdiction your new address falls about your application for a Passport submitted to the previous Passport Office (with application numbers etc.) for transfer of your file to the new Passport Office. Along with proof of your new address. No fee required to be paid in this case."

Miscellaneous Services

"Change of name : If you change your name, please get your passport booklet changed. Please approach the RPO/PO concerned in good time. In case of marriage, re-arriage or divorce:Fresh application form Certified marriage certificate or an affidavit from husband and wife (Annexure 'A' of application form); In case of divorce, divorce deed authenticated by a court In case of re-marriage, divorce deed or death certificate of spouse duly authenticated.

In other cases: Fresh application form two original newspaper clippings giving notice of change of name Affidavit ."

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